Well done to the students who took part in the Athy School Completion Programme Ficheall Tournament on Monday 10th March. The tournament was hosted by Gaelscoil Átha Í and facilitated by Ruairí from Red King Chess as part of Seachtain Na Gaeilge celebrations.
60 students in total took part in the tournament with participating teams from Scoil Mhichil Naofa, Scoil Phadraig Naofa, Gaelscoil Átha Í agus Athy College.
Comhghairdeas to the SPN Knights team who placed 1st in the teams event: 
John Sakariah, Maxym Blaszkiewicz, Liam Kirwan, James O’Brien, Fionn Rowan 
Comhghairdeas speisialta to Maxym Blaszkiewicz who placed 3rd in the individual player event.